Captain Tiao Wiki
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Captain Tiao show is based on the quizing celebs. The show has seen Sadhil Kapoor questioning the celebrities regarding their childhood fears, guilty secrets, favourite snacks and all. The questions and answers has followed by 'Captain Tiao' challenging the guests to perform entertaining tasks, beating him at the game.

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Featured Guest

Parineeti Chopra (born 22 October 1988) is an Indian actress who appears in Hindi films. Chopra initially aspired to pursue a career in investment banking, but after obtaining a triple honours degree (in business, finance and economics) from Manchester Business School she returned to India during the 2009 economic recession and joined Yash Raj Films as a public relations consultant. Later, she signed a three-film deal with the company as an actress.Read more...

Featured Interview

This is the first Interview of Captain Tiao (Show).This Interview was taken with the famous actor Amitabh Bachchan.This Interview starts with the famous Actor Amitabh Bachchan.At first they did Tiao.Then Captain Tiao starts taking Interview with Amitabh Bachchan.Captain Tiao Starts asking Light Questions.Captain Tiao starts asking questions with the Question Paper.Captain Tiao gives Amitabh Bachchan the Report Card. Read more...

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